Thursday 27 September 2018

Mathematics is the universal language

Mathematics is...
a universal language that describes the natural world, allows communication
between languages and cultures, and teaches the ability to think sequentially

Assembling evidence from a variety of assessment strategies
is a routine part of the mathematics classroom
and assists in forming an accurate picture of
an individual student’s progress toward
learning goals. Data gathered from
assessments is used to inform
Mathematics instruction pro-vides opportunities for students
to effectively communicate their mathematical thinking, orally and
in written form, to peers, teachers, and others by using the precise
language of mathematics. Through communication, students evaluate their
own mathematical thinking as well as analyze the strategies of others

Conceptual Understanding
Teachers provide sufficient time and experiences which enable
students to actively build new knowledge from prior knowledge
so that understanding deepens and the ability to apply math-
ematics in new situations expands. Conceptual understanding
supports retention and prevents common errors. 

Mathematics represents a network of interconnected concepts
and procedures. Connections are made within the same mathematical structure,
 between mathematical strands, and to other  disciplines and daily living.

Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning offers students opportunities to explore and discuss
challenging problems which would normally be beyond the capacity of an individual.
This creates opportunities for students to discover and test conjectures based
upon mathematical principles. Through  working together, students increase
self-confidence, deepen mathematical understanding, and utilize social skills.

Multiple Representations
Students should create, select, and apply various representations to organize,
record, communicate, and prove mathematical ideas. These representations may include
diagrams, tables, graphs, symbolic expressions, and physical models. Representations should
 support students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships.
Experiences with concrete models followed by pictorial representations assist in developing abstract thinking.

Knowledge is built through the solving of problems that arise
in mathematics and in real world contexts. Students use
and adapt a variety of strategies that enable them to monitor
and reflect on mathematical processes. The teacher’s role
is crucial in choosing appropriate problems that encourage
students to explore, take risks, share failures and successes,
and question one another.

Technology plays an increasingly important role, helping the
current generation of students visualize and learn mathemat-
ics. While technology should not be used as a replacement
for basic understanding and computational proficiency, mul-
tiple forms of technology used properly in the mathematics
classroom can deepen students’ understanding of mathematical concepts
 When technology is placed in the hands of students, attitudes toward
mathematics are improved, allowing focus on decision making
 reflection, reasoning and problem-solving, while also preparing students for 21st
century life and careers.

Parent Involvement
Parents play a critical role in a child’s math achievement.
Parents need to support students in developing an attitude
that effort, more than natural talent, leads to increased stu-
dent achievement. Changing children’s beliefs from a focus
on ability to a focus on effort increases their engagement in
mathematics learning.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Prime numbers

  •       Remember how the early scientists visited Africa and some other parts of the world and ‘discovered’ naturally existing things like mountains, rivers and other places, something close to that has happened again.

  •      This time round, though, it is not in either of the above areas.

  •      Two mathematicians have uncovered a simple, yet previously unnoticed quality of prime numbers. So, apparently, the prime number sequence isn’t as random as earlier thought.

  • Prime numbers as you will hopefully recall from your early formation years in primary school, are whole numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. They include 2,3,5,7,11and so on.

  •       Kannan Soundararajan and Robert Lemke Oliver, present new evidence that prime numbers ward off other would-be primes that end in the same digits.

  •      From the initial set (numbers less than ten) 2 and 5 were part of the primes, but when they appear next as in 12, 15, 22, 25, they are no longer primes as they are divisible by other numbers other than 1, and themselves. Thus, all other prime numbers can only end in one of four digits: 1, 3, 7, or 9.
  •           As fascinating as the new study appears, George Dvorsky in an article argues that it likely won’t help with other prime-related challenges including the twin-prime conjecture or the Riemann hypothesis. He adds that the new discovery may not have any practical implications or use to math and number theory.